Source code for deckhand.barbican.driver

# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property.  All other rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import ast
import time

import barbicanclient
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import base64
from oslo_utils import excutils

from deckhand.barbican import cache
from deckhand.barbican import client_wrapper
from deckhand import errors
from deckhand import types

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BarbicanDriver(object): def __init__(self): self.barbicanclient = client_wrapper.BarbicanClientWrapper() def _base64_encode_payload(self, secret_doc): """Ensures secret document payload is compatible with Barbican.""" payload = secret_type = None # Explicitly list the "empty" payloads we are refusing to store. # We don't use ``if not payload`` because that would not encrypt # and store something like ``data: !!int 0`` if payload in ('', {}, [], None): # There is no point in even bothering to encrypt an empty # body, which just leads to needless overhead, so return # early.'Barbican does not accept empty payloads so ' 'Deckhand will not encrypt document [%s, %s] %s.', secret_doc.schema, secret_doc.layer, secret_doc.storage_policy = types.CLEARTEXT else: LOG.debug('Setting secret_type=opaque and ' 'base64-encoding payload of type %s for ' 'document [%s, %s] %s.', type(payload), secret_doc.schema, secret_doc.layer, secret_type = 'opaque' # nosec # not a hardcoded password try: payload = base64.encode_as_text(repr(payload)) except Exception: message = ('Failed to base64-encode payload of type %s ' 'for Barbican storage.', type(payload)) LOG.error(message) raise errors.UnknownSubstitutionError( src_schema=secret_doc.schema, src_layer=secret_doc.layer,, schema='N/A', layer='N/A', name='N/A', details=message) return secret_type, payload
[docs] def create_secret(self, secret_doc): """Create a secret. :param secret_doc: Document with ``storagePolicy`` of "encrypted". :type secret_doc: document.DocumentDict :returns: Secret reference returned by Barbican :rtype: str """ secret_type, payload = self._base64_encode_payload(secret_doc) if secret_doc.storage_policy == types.CLEARTEXT: return payload # Store secret_ref in database for `secret_doc`. secret_args = { 'name': secret_doc['metadata']['name'], 'secret_type': secret_type, 'payload': payload }'Storing encrypted data in Barbican for document [{}, {}]' .format(secret_doc.schema, for i in range(CONF.secret_create_attempts): LOG.debug('Creating secret in Barbican, attempt {} of {}' .format((i + 1), CONF.secret_create_attempts)) try: return self._do_create_secret(secret_args) except Exception: if i == (CONF.secret_create_attempts - 1): # This was the last attempt, re-raise any error raise else: # This was not the last attempt, suppress the error and # try again after a brief sleep sleep_amount = (i + 1) LOG.error('Caught an error while trying to create a ' 'secret in Barbican, will try again in {} second' .format(sleep_amount)) time.sleep(sleep_amount)
def _do_create_secret(self, secret_args): """Using the cache construct, and the barbican client, create a secret :param secret_args: Dict containing the data for the secret to create :type secret_args: dict :returns: Secret reference returned by Barbican :rtype: str """ try: return cache.lookup_by_payload(self.barbicanclient, **secret_args) except (barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPAuthError, barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPClientError) as e: LOG.exception(str(e)) raise errors.BarbicanClientException(code=e.status_code, details=str(e)) except barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPServerError as e: LOG.error('Caught %s error from Barbican, likely due to a ' 'configuration or deployment issue.', e.__class__.__name__) raise errors.BarbicanServerException(details=str(e)) except barbicanclient.exceptions.PayloadException as e: LOG.error('Caught %s error from Barbican, because the secret ' 'payload type is unsupported.', e.__class__.__name__) raise errors.BarbicanServerException(details=str(e)) def _base64_decode_payload(self, payload): # If the secret_type is 'opaque' then this implies the # payload was encoded to base64 previously. Reverse the # operation. try: return ast.literal_eval(base64.decode_as_text(payload)) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): message = ('Failed to unencode the original payload that ' 'presumably was encoded to base64 with ' 'secret_type: opaque.') LOG.error(message)
[docs] def get_secret(self, secret_ref, src_doc): """Get a secret.""" try: secret = cache.lookup_by_ref(self.barbicanclient, secret_ref) except (barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPAuthError, barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPClientError) as e: LOG.exception(str(e)) raise errors.BarbicanClientException(code=e.status_code, details=str(e)) except (barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPServerError, ValueError) as e: LOG.exception(str(e)) raise errors.BarbicanServerException(details=str(e)) payload = secret.payload if secret.secret_type == 'opaque': # nosec LOG.debug('Base64-decoding original payload ' 'for document [%s, %s] %s.', *src_doc.meta) secret = self._base64_decode_payload(payload) else: secret = payload return secret
[docs] def delete_secret(self, secret_ref): """Delete a secret.""" try: # NOTE(felipemonteiro): No cache invalidation is performed here # as the only API that invokes this method is DELETE /revisions # which also invalidates the entire Barbican cache. return"secrets.delete", secret_ref) except (barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPAuthError, barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPServerError) as e: LOG.exception(str(e)) raise errors.BarbicanClientException(details=str(e)) except barbicanclient.exceptions.HTTPClientError as e: if e.status_code == 404: LOG.warning('Could not delete secret %s because it was not ' 'found. Assuming it no longer exists.', secret_ref) raise