deckhand.common.utils module

deckhand.common.utils.deepfilter(dct, **filters)[source]

Match dct against all the filters in filters.

Check whether dct matches all the fitlers in filters. The filters can reference nested attributes, attributes that are contained within other dictionaries within dct.

Useful for querying whether or metadata.layeringDefinition.layerOrder match specific values.

  • dct (dict) – The dictionary to check against all the filters.
  • filters (dict) – Dictionary of key-value pairs used for filtering out unwanted results.

True if the dictionary satisfies all the filters, else False.

deckhand.common.utils.jsonpath_parse(data, jsonpath, match_all=False)[source]

Parse value in the data for the given jsonpath.

Retrieve the nested entry corresponding to data[jsonpath]. For example, a jsonpath of “” means that the data section should conform to:

        baz: <data_to_be_extracted_here>
  • data – The data section of a document.
  • jsonpath – A multi-part key that references a nested path in data.
  • match_all – Whether to return all matches or just the first one.

Entry that corresponds to data[jsonpath] if present, else None.


src_name = sub['src']['name']
src_path = sub['src']['path']
src_doc = db_api.document_get(schema=src_schema, name=src_name)
src_secret = utils.jsonpath_parse(src_doc['data'], src_path)
# Do something with the extracted secret from the source document.
deckhand.common.utils.jsonpath_replace(data, value, jsonpath, pattern=None, recurse=None, src_pattern=None, src_match_group=0)[source]

Update value in data at the path specified by jsonpath.

If the nested path corresponding to jsonpath isn’t found in data, the path is created as an empty {} for each sub-path along the jsonpath.


doc = {
    'data': {
        'some_url': http://admin:INSERT_PASSWORD_HERE@svc-name:8080/v1
secret = 'super-duper-secret'
path = '$.some_url'
pattern = 'INSERT_[A-Z]+_HERE'
replaced_data = utils.jsonpath_replace(
    doc['data'], secret, path, pattern)
# The returned URL will look like:
# http://admin:super-duper-secret@svc-name:8080/v1
  • data – The data section of a document.
  • value – The new value for data[jsonpath].
  • jsonpath – A multi-part key that references a nested path in data. Must begin with “.” or “$” (without quotes).
  • pattern – A regular expression pattern.
  • recurse – Dictionary containing a single key called “depth” which specifies the recursion depth. If provided, indicates that recursive pattern substitution should be performed, beginning at jsonpath. Best practice is to limit the scope of the recursion as much as possible: e.g. avoid passing in “$” as the jsonpath, but rather a JSON path that lives closer to the nested strings in question. Optimize performance by choosing an ideal depth value; -1 will cause recursion depth to be infinite.
  • src_pattern – An optional regular expression pattern to apply to the source value. The pattern is applied using, and may include parenthesized subgroups. Only the matched portion of value is considered when substituting into the destination document.
  • src_match_group – The numbered subgroup of the src_pattern match to use as the substitution source, where 0 (the default) represents the entire match, 1 is the first parenthesized subgroup, etc.

Updated value at data[jsonpath].


MissingDocumentPattern if pattern is not None and data[jsonpath] doesn’t exist.


ValueError – If jsonpath doesn’t begin with “.”

deckhand.common.utils.multisort(data, sort_by=None, order_by=None)[source]

Sort a dictionary by multiple keys.

The order of the keys is important. The first key takes precedence over the second key, and so forth.

  • data – Dictionary to be sorted.
  • sort_by (list or string) – list or string of keys to sort data by.

Sorted dictionary by each key.


Redact data and substitutions sections for document.

Parameters:document (dict) – Document whose data to redact.
Returns:Document with redacted data.
Return type:dict

Redact sensitive data for each document in documents.

Sensitive data includes data, substitutions[n].src.path, and substitutions[n].dest.path fields.

Parameters:documents (list[dict]) – List of documents whose data to redact.
Returns:Documents with redacted sensitive data.
Return type:list[dict]

Convert string to camel case.


Convert string to snake case.